Chester Folk Festival

Want to get in touch?
If you would like to contact us please drop us an email at info@chesterfolk.org.uk and we will respond as soon as we can.
Our postal address for ticket enquires or promotional queries is: Chester Folk Festival, 21 Dee Fords Avenue, Chester, CH3 5UP
(if requesting tickets, please enclose SAE and make cheques payable to 'CHESTER FOLK FESTIVAL')
Our phone number is 0871 218 0211 but please note this is a switchboard number and charges may be incurred. Email is the best way to contact us.
Note to Artists
Because of the number of applications we receive, we are only able to respond if we think we may be able to offer something. We review every application sent in, so there's no need to follow-up your application or to resend it. It may take a while for us to get back to you but sadly we can't promise to feedback to everyone.
Please make sure you include links to live performance videos or studio recordings We're unlikely to book you if we haven't seen you live (on video or in person). Please don’t send attachments. It will help us if you put ‘Artist Application’ in your email title.
The best time to apply is during the summer, or early autumn, for possible inclusion in the following year’s Festival. By the new year we have usually got the line-up sorted so it would be better to wait.