Chester Folk Festival

More detailed Accessibility Information
Main site
The main path running through the centre of the main site on Kelsall Green has a hard surface. A temporary rubber matting path is laid from the main path to the marquee entrance. Most of the craft and food stalls are located on either side of the main path. The grassed areas can be uneven. In heavy rain the grassed areas may become muddy.
Dance displays are held on the pub carpark which is adjacent to the entrance to the main site.
The Community Centre and Social Club
These are adjacent to one another and are a short distance (400 metres) up a steady incline from the main site. Both venues have limited parking.
The pedestrian route to these venues requires crossing the road twice as there is no pavement on the side of the high street where these venues and the main site are situated. From the main site you will need to cross the village high street via a pedestrian crossing which is reached by a short, steep section of pavement. Having crossed the road, turn right and follow the pavement for approximately 400 metres at which point you will need to cross the road again to reach the venues. There are dipped pavements at junctions along the route and on both sides of the road where you need to cross back to reach the venues.
Wheelchair access to the Social Club is down a slight slope on the right. Stewards will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Access to the Community Centre is from the side next to the Social Club. There is a ramp from the Social Club car park to the main entrance. There is a ridge on the threshold of the entrance; if this is problematical there is an alternative entrance via a ramp and double doors on the other side of the building. Speak to a steward if you need to use the alternative entrance.
The Methodist Church
This is situated 290 metres from the main site. It is up a very steep incline opposite the entrance to the Morris Dancer car park and main site and then up another incline with no pavement. It is not recommended that this be attempted alone with an unpowered wheelchair. The main church hall is fully accessible by wheelchair.
The Methodist Church meeting room
This has steps to the main door, with an accessible entrance at the side. This is the emergency exit. Stewards will be happy to open this door for you if requested. There is a slight step at the entrance which shouldn’t be a problem for most wheelchairs.
Shuttle Bus
There are designated stops at each venue and campsite.
At peak times the bus runs between venues continuously. At other times it is run ‘on demand’ and can be called up by gate staff and venue managers.
Day parking is on the main site on grass on Kelsall Green. Please use this parking if at all possible. If you do need to park along the main road, please park considerately so as not to block access or cause obstructions. The disabled parking facilities on the pub car park are for customers only.
There are a few spaces at the Community Centre and Social Club but availability cannot be guaranteed. There is only one space reserved for people with disabilities at the Social Club.
There is a small car park behind the Methodist Church but the availability of spaces cannot be guaranteed. There is no on-road parking at the front of the Church.
Parking on the Kelsall Green campsite by the main site
If you need to park next to your tent then you will need to contact us in advance to arrange this. We only have limited spaces where this is possible.
Parking on the Green Lane campsite.
Cars can be parked next to tents and caravans.
Due to the limited parking available at all the venues, people are encouraged not to use their cars to travel between venues and campsites if possible.
The Kelsall Green campsite, on the main site, is the preferred site for anyone with limited mobility. Please note, though, that it has limited space. We have a limited number of hard-standing caravan spaces here for those with limited mobility - these must be booked in advance.
There are also limited-level grassed areas on this site. We do not specifically reserve these for people with mobility issues. If you require one of these, please contact us well in advance to book it.
Green Lane campsite is approximately 1 kilometre from the main site. The footpaths from the campsite to the main site follow a gradual incline. The camping area is on farm fields which are relatively flat and grassed. The ground, however, can be uneven. There is no accessible toilet on this site. The showers do not have an accessible unit. We are working on this for future years.
Festival Office
This is situated on hard standing in front of the entrance to the main site. Access is via a few steep steps. Office staff are happy to come to the entrance to register people who aren’t able to negotiate the steps.
Main site: the entrance and main pathway are lit.
Other venues: the entrances to all other venues and the routes between them are lit.
Campsites: Lighting at the campsites is limited.
Charging facilities
If we are notified in advance we can charge mobility scooter and wheelchair batteries overnight in the marquee. Please be aware that we will do our level best to keep your equipment safe but we can’t be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Contact for queries on-site
If you have any queries or need to report any issues on site please speak to a steward or venue manager or visit the festival office.